Keeping your stove in good condition is not just about having it checked over every year or two. Instead, to keep your stove in great condition and working as effectively as possible, you will need to make sure you treat it in the right way every single day.

Firstly, be sure to empty the ash pan regularly, always replacing it correctly and ensuring the door is shut and airtight. Not only will this keep your stove clean and tidy, but it will also avoid their being any distortion from the hot ash coming into contact with the grate. Keeping the ash pit airtight will also help to make sure that any fire is controlled and you don’t see excess oxygen fueling the flames too much.

Eventually, any stove will become dirty, and when cleaning any glass parts be sure not to use an abrasive cleaner. There are plenty of products that will be aimed at your particular stove and using these regularly will keep your stove looking great and ensure it is still worth good money should you wish to sell it on to upgrade later.

Every year or so, you will also need to have your chimney swept and will also wish to check that your stove is working effectively and that your seals are in perfect working order. Sourcing stove spare parts the moment a problem arises will not only increase the efficiency of your stove, but it will also ensure your stove is kept safe.

Finally, once you know when and how to source wood burning stove parts, always be sure that you thoroughly clean the entire stove before any periods of inactivity to help further prevent corrosion and damage.

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