Lots of individuals, trades people and businesses rely on hand and power tools to complete certain tasks. These days, there are lots of products available for people to buy, but in order to make full use of them, it’s important that owners adopt a savvy approach to security.

Most hand and power tools are highly portable, and this makes them attractive to opportunistic thieves. If owners aren’t careful, they can find that these possessions are targeted by criminals, leaving them out of pocket.

One common mistake individuals make is to leave cutting tools and other items out in display in vehicles. This provides thieves with the perfect opportunity to strike. They can see what they want and the only thing in their way is often a thin pane of glass.

In the wake of thefts in the area, Hampshire Constabulary recently issued advice to vehicle owners. The force recommended removing valuable items from vehicles overnight and storing them in secure places. Any potentially valuable possessions that do remain in cars or vans should be placed out of view of passersby, the constabulary added.

More generally, the force advocated parking in secure areas such as garages or behind locked gates. If vehicle owners don’t have access to parking of this sort, they should choose a well-lit street in easy view of their own or their neighbours’ houses.

Of course, it is also important for hand and power tool owners to make sure that the items are safety locked away when they are inside buildings.

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