Helping your hotel stand out amongst the many others in the local area can do many things for your bottom line. Not only will more exclusive or more unique hotels be able to charge far more, but at the very same time they will also attract far more customers.

There are numerous ways to stand out as a hotel, yet not all of these will be positive. After all, garnering bad reviews or being extremely cheap will ensure that individuals notice and remember your hotel, yet very few will choose to actually stay with you.

Instead, finding ways of being different will be far more important, and even if this means that you charge more, you are still likely to see bookings rise in the wake of such changes.

From adding in privacy glass and in turn offering accommodation that is more impressive, interesting and versatile to offering the likes of walk-in baths or showers to accommodate a wider range of individuals, there will be plenty of ways to stand out that do not significantly boost the overheads of your business.

Switching interior walls for electric privacy glass may seem like a huge undertaking, but during any renovation, the addition of such an option may cost very little extra, whilst at the same time offering something that very few other hotels will have, allowing parents and children alike to have as much or as little privacy as they need at any time during their stay.

With so many options available, standing out may be easier than you think.

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