There are times when a really good lubricant is needed, if the fit is just that bit too tight, or just to get things started. However, penetrating spray lubricants are not always the best way forward, causing mess and hassle, which in some environments, is just the opposite of what is needed.

 Dry it up

There is an easy option for homeowners to try though, with dry lubricants having a lot to offer. Unlike spray lubricants, dry options do not leave an oily residue for example. Attracting less dust, they allow drawers and doors, and windows and locks to work smoothly and will remain clog free.

Wax on

A solid wax lubricant is ideal to get a stiff wooden drawer running easily. It is also perfect to use on wooden windows, and other porous surfaces that need to be treated.

Dry drawers

Another great dry lubricant is a silicone spray. This handy option is a great all-rounder, perfect for greasing window and sliding door tracks and other plastic, rubber or metal surfaces.

Lock in

Another option, ideal to get a lock turning smoothly is a graphite lube. Easy to apply, less messy and available as a powder or spray, it will ensure the mechanisms are not liable to clog.

Other uses

These wax, silicone, and graphite options can often be used elsewhere too, and are ideal for tackling janitorial workloads. Being quick drying, many power or hand tools can also be treated successfully too.

They are also resilient to dust collection, allowing to solve many problems far quicker than traditional spray options.

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