DIY is as popular as it ever has been, which is a very good thing indeed. However, if the right care is not taken, mistakes happen. As well as being painful, they can also be more serious. Here is a quick rundown of common mishaps to look out for.

Angle grinders

These are brilliant little power tools, ideal for cutting through metal or slicing paving slabs. They can be dangerous though, so, goggles should always be worn and the right disc always used.


Another handy item to have in the toolbox is a hacksaw. The ideal tool for cutting pipework and carbon fibre, most jobs can be speedily done. However, hacksaws do have a tendency to leave a jagged edge, which can rip through skin with ease. Filing these down is wholly sensible.

Lubricants and adhesives

For any number of jobs around the house, WD40 or other lubricant will be invaluable. Much the same is true of wood glues and faster setting stuff. All too often though, eyes, fingers, mouths and goodness what else comes into inappropriate contact. Wearing gloves, reading instructions and having good ventilation are all necessary when using these.

Keep it safe and simple

Planning a job, and not over extending will reduce the likelihood of anything going wrong but, they still can. As well as keeping the area safe and not trying anything too difficult, having the right safety gear makes sense.

From eyewear to boots, the right clothing is available and affordable. Wearing it just makes sense.

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